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Integrating your Shopify Store with Upurr.

This guide will walk you through the process of integrating your Shopify store with your Upurr marketplace/s using the Upurr Shopify App.

Estimated time to complete: 5-6 Minutes

Some aspects and visuals of this guide my differ due to the time of documenting.

What you will require in this guide

  • A Shopify store using one of our supported payment providers.
  • Your marketplace account login credentials (username and password)
  • Your marketplace integration key (supplied by your marketplace)

Let's get started!

  1. In your Shopify Dashboard, go to Settings.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  2. In Settings, go to Apps and Sales Channels.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  3. In Apps and Sales Channels, click the 'Shopify App Store' button.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  4. In the Shopify App Store search for the app 'Upurr'.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  5. Click the 'Install' button.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  6. In the Install App page, click the 'Install' button.

    Upurr requires access to certain data stores which has been approved by Shopify. We use this data to ensure your marketplace can function correctly and interact with the areas of your Shopify platform that are required by the marketplace.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  7. Connect your store by clicking the 'Connect' button.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  8. Integrate your store by entering your marketplace login credentials and your integration key.

    Your integration key can be found in your store dashboard settings area or will be provided by your marketplace.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  9. Connection success.

    If your integration is successful you will see the success indicator.

  10. Manage your product listing.

    Once integrated you must ensure that the relevant products are available to the Upurr Sales Channel. Unless otherwise notified, marketplaces will require all products to be made available.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  11. In the Products screen, click the top checkbox to select all products or select the checkboxes of the products you want to be available to the Upurr Sales Channel.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  12. Once selected, click the '...' button and click 'Include in sales channels' ensuring that the products are available to Upurr.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

  13. Go back to the Upurr Sales Channel App and ensure products are now available and published to Upurr.

    Shopify Dashboard Settings

Congratulations! You can now sell through Upurr Marketplaces!

Please ensure any new products are made available to Upurr if required. You can now let your marketplace know that you're fully integrated!